Substances & products

The Ineris analyzes substances, mixtures and products to determine the properties of hazards.
This information can be used to dimension production, storage or transport installations and equipments or to establish safety data sheets, Reach or CLP files.
This information can be used to dimension production, storage or transport installations and equipments or to establish safety data sheets, Reach or CLP files.
Our solutions
Flammability and explosiveness of powders, gases and vapours
The industrial use of combustible gases, liquids, vapours or solid powders generates a risk of fire and explosion.
Molecular modeling and physico-chemical properties
Molecular modelling tool are more and more used to complement the experimental description of the safety of products and procedures.
S-NANO: INERIS NanoSafety platform
At the nanometric scale, a material has specific physical, chemical and biological characteristics.
Safety of batteries and electrochemical storage
The development of new technologies and energies rises numerous questions in the field of safety.